I thought it would be fun to take a look back at one of my earliest comics in the series. Personally, I think it’s amazing just how much of a difference there is in less than two years of drawing! It’s a simple thing, but one that I’m very proud of.

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Wash Cycle

Pippin admittedly isn’t the best at doing his laundry, but his heart is in the right place at least.

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Mail Call

Yes, even our pets get mail. And they love it!

If you have a bird and haven’t signed up for a Squawkbox subscription yet, you’re truly missing out. Every month you receive a box of new bird toys, a bag of snacks, and a recipe card for a homemade bird treat and avian trivia. And your proceeds also go towards donations to local bird rescues! What’s not to love?

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Caffeine Crash

When last we left our story, Olivia and Pippin had both gotten ahold of some coffee, despite Finn’s warning. The result: exactly what you’d expect.

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Chez Floof

Pippin may not be the best in the kitchen, but at least his heart is in the right place…

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Storm Warning

Ohio is once again experiencing a pretty heavy winter weather emergency. What else is new, right?

In all seriousness though, I hope that everyone is remaining safe and warm during this increased bad weather. Finnegan and Pippin are certainly doing their best as you can see…

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Garbage Day

I get that there’s plenty of food scraps in the trash can and it probably smells like a buffet to a dog, but come on, this is ridiculous…

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Window Watcher

While Finnegan and Pippin enjoy romping through the snow all day, Olivia is more than happy to stay inside where it’s warm and cozy.

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Potty Problems

As much as Finnegan and Pippin love all the snow we’ve been getting, it does cause the occasional problem…

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Chill Out

Finnegan and Pippin both LOVE playing in the snow, thanks in no small part to their warm fur.

Olivia, on the other hand, much prefers to stay inside where it’s nice and warm.

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Leave Me Alone!

I think Finnegan and Pippin are staring to feel a bit of cabin fever, and they’re going about it VERY differently.

While Finn just wants to be left alone to nap the day away, Pip is getting hyper-active while cooped up for the winter.

Oh no…

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Le Menu

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again - Olivia is absolutely spoiled rotten. In addition to daily steam baths in the shower and having her own special glass set aside to drink out of (yes, that is actually true) she also gets a daily snack bowl of mixed nuts, seeds, and dried veggies to chow down on. I don’t think she realizes how lucky she is to be waited on hand and foot like this.

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Floof Noir: A Grizzly Crime

A grizzly crime scene has been discovered! Can detective Finnegan crack the case?

It’s been nearly a year since my last (and first) of the Floof Noir-style comics, and after drawing this newest one I remember why it’s been such a long time: drawing this style is HARD. Way harder than drawing in black and white should be. But I think the end result is worth it. Maybe I’ll do another one some day not-so-soon.

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Packed Away

All of the holiday decorations have finally been put away, and just when Pippin was starting to get used to them too! Don’t worry though, I’m sure he’ll be just as curious about them all again when December rolls around.

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