Mail Call

Yes, even our pets get mail. And they love it!

If you have a bird and haven’t signed up for a Squawkbox subscription yet, you’re truly missing out. Every month you receive a box of new bird toys, a bag of snacks, and a recipe card for a homemade bird treat and avian trivia. And your proceeds also go towards donations to local bird rescues! What’s not to love?

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Le Menu

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again - Olivia is absolutely spoiled rotten. In addition to daily steam baths in the shower and having her own special glass set aside to drink out of (yes, that is actually true) she also gets a daily snack bowl of mixed nuts, seeds, and dried veggies to chow down on. I don’t think she realizes how lucky she is to be waited on hand and foot like this.

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Packed Away

All of the holiday decorations have finally been put away, and just when Pippin was starting to get used to them too! Don’t worry though, I’m sure he’ll be just as curious about them all again when December rolls around.

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Fragile, part 2

I guess it’s our own fault for putting the tree up right in front of the window where Pippin likes to watch the neighborhood. How silly of us...

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62 Escape Artist

One day we came home to find that Olivia had learned how to open her cage door from the inside and been loose, unsupervised, for several hours. Thankfully she hadn’t hurt herself or destroyed anything in the house, but still… We now have to put a padlock on her door when she goes in for her naps.

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