One-Way Flight

The real reason we keep Pippin on a leash during walks is because, if the wind catches his ears the right way, he’d take off flying like a kite. I’ve measured it, and the “wingspan” of his ears is almost his full body length.

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Ranger Finnegan

Finnegan loves going to our local park more than anything in the world. We take him there so often that he actually knows the way there when we’re out on a walk. He likes to think of himself as a park ranger and wilderness survivalist but…I just don’t see it personally.

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I thought it was April, not the middle of December. We got hit with a snow storm out of nowhere this week, and it’s been messing with Pippin’s sense of time.

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Bark Box

Of course our dogs are just as spoiled as our parrot. Finnegan and Pippin look forward to their BARKBOX subscription every month! The only problem is that now they know they get mail, they think EVERY package is for them.

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