Garbage Day

I get that there’s plenty of food scraps in the trash can and it probably smells like a buffet to a dog, but come on, this is ridiculous…

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Potty Problems

As much as Finnegan and Pippin love all the snow we’ve been getting, it does cause the occasional problem…

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Chill Out

Finnegan and Pippin both LOVE playing in the snow, thanks in no small part to their warm fur.

Olivia, on the other hand, much prefers to stay inside where it’s nice and warm.

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Leave Me Alone!

I think Finnegan and Pippin are staring to feel a bit of cabin fever, and they’re going about it VERY differently.

While Finn just wants to be left alone to nap the day away, Pip is getting hyper-active while cooped up for the winter.

Oh no…

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Floof Noir: A Grizzly Crime

A grizzly crime scene has been discovered! Can detective Finnegan crack the case?

It’s been nearly a year since my last (and first) of the Floof Noir-style comics, and after drawing this newest one I remember why it’s been such a long time: drawing this style is HARD. Way harder than drawing in black and white should be. But I think the end result is worth it. Maybe I’ll do another one some day not-so-soon.

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Packed Away

All of the holiday decorations have finally been put away, and just when Pippin was starting to get used to them too! Don’t worry though, I’m sure he’ll be just as curious about them all again when December rolls around.

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Camp Bow-Wow

Pippin absolutely LOVES spending a day at our local Camp Bow-Wow for doggy day care and play time with all the other dogs in town! When he knows that he’s going, he’ll try to walk himself out to the car on his own leash. And Finnegan enjoys the occasional break from his hyper little brother. It’s something they both need and thoroughly enjoy.

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Spot Check

We estimate that Finnegan has roughly 1,000,000 speckles across his entire body. Thank goodness he doesn’t actually have to draw them all on himself every day!

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Fragile, part 2

I guess it’s our own fault for putting the tree up right in front of the window where Pippin likes to watch the neighborhood. How silly of us...

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Already my second tribute to @alwayssunnyfxx with today’s cartoon. With a prompt like #troll though, how could I have possibly done anything else?

During October, our comics will be following the #comictober prompts on Instagram, so stick around for new daily comics all month long!

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