Fresh Air

Olivia occasionally likes to antagonize her mom, like she’s trying to assert dominance as the alpha female of the house. On another note, my sincerest sympathies go out to everyone suffering from seasonal allergies right now.

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63 Breakfast?

The scariest part about this particular comic is that it’s only a slight exaggeration of what actually happens in the mornings around here…

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62 Escape Artist

One day we came home to find that Olivia had learned how to open her cage door from the inside and been loose, unsupervised, for several hours. Thankfully she hadn’t hurt herself or destroyed anything in the house, but still… We now have to put a padlock on her door when she goes in for her naps.

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51 Puzzling

We keep buying so many new puzzle toys for Olivia because she solves them too quickly , because we buy her so many puzzle toys… it’s a never-ending cycle.

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43 Small Dog

I was visiting my parents’ house this past week, so Olivia got to spend some quality time with their miniature Schnauzer. The two of them have met many times before, but Olivia always seems more than a little taken aback by a dog that’s not much bigger than her. Definitely good for a laugh.

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