
Pippin has acquired quite the collection of bandanas since coming to live with us. He loves to look his best and accessorize. Most mornings he’ll go pick out what he wants to wear that day and bring it to us to get him dressed. It’s absolutely adorable.

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Perry Quayle Perry Quayle

Water Fowl

This weekend we celebrated a friend’s birthday with a trip to the Greater Cleveland Aquarium (side note, if you’re ever in the area you should definitely check it out!). While they do have a giant tank of stingrays you can touch, riding them like Olivia is doing here is HIGHLY discouraged.

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Fresh Air

Olivia occasionally likes to antagonize her mom, like she’s trying to assert dominance as the alpha female of the house. On another note, my sincerest sympathies go out to everyone suffering from seasonal allergies right now.

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The Match

Finnegan and Pippin love to play-fight, but now they’re getting ready for a serious battle!

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One-Way Flight

The real reason we keep Pippin on a leash during walks is because, if the wind catches his ears the right way, he’d take off flying like a kite. I’ve measured it, and the “wingspan” of his ears is almost his full body length.

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Ranger Finnegan

Finnegan loves going to our local park more than anything in the world. We take him there so often that he actually knows the way there when we’re out on a walk. He likes to think of himself as a park ranger and wilderness survivalist but…I just don’t see it personally.

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Remote Work

Pippin has developed a strange fascination with eating our TV remotes. We’ve had to buy 2 replacements already in as many days. They aren’t kidding when they say “keep out of reach of children”!

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I thought it would be fun to take a look back at one of my earliest comics in the series. Personally, I think it’s amazing just how much of a difference there is in less than two years of drawing! It’s a simple thing, but one that I’m very proud of.

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