90 Best Friends
When we first adopted Pippin, we weren’t sure just how he and Olivia would get along: would he try to hunt her down around the house, or would she get aggressive and territorial against a new dog?
As it turns out - neither!
These two became best buddies almost immediately and will even go looking for one another to cuddle and hang out. Never would have seen that one coming.
62 Escape Artist
One day we came home to find that Olivia had learned how to open her cage door from the inside and been loose, unsupervised, for several hours. Thankfully she hadn’t hurt herself or destroyed anything in the house, but still… We now have to put a padlock on her door when she goes in for her naps.
61 Sharing Snacks
Olivia loves sharing her food pellets with Finnegan…and for some reason he loves eating them.
57 May The 4th Be With You
I don’t even want to imagine what would happen if Finn and Olivia actually managed to get ahold of lightsabers.
56 Staying In
Finn loves talking neighborhood walks, but the weather doesn’t always like to cooperate.
47 Easter Eggs
Happy Easter to all my readers! Hope everyone is having a wonderful day with family, friends, and the animals in your life!