
I thought it was April, not the middle of December. We got hit with a snow storm out of nowhere this week, and it’s been messing with Pippin’s sense of time.

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Perry Quayle Perry Quayle

Whatever The Weather

The weather has been unpredictable lately, to say the least. Finnegan and Pippin are just trying to make the most of it.

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Storm Warning

Ohio is once again experiencing a pretty heavy winter weather emergency. What else is new, right?

In all seriousness though, I hope that everyone is remaining safe and warm during this increased bad weather. Finnegan and Pippin are certainly doing their best as you can see…

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Window Watcher

While Finnegan and Pippin enjoy romping through the snow all day, Olivia is more than happy to stay inside where it’s warm and cozy.

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Potty Problems

As much as Finnegan and Pippin love all the snow we’ve been getting, it does cause the occasional problem…

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Chill Out

Finnegan and Pippin both LOVE playing in the snow, thanks in no small part to their warm fur.

Olivia, on the other hand, much prefers to stay inside where it’s nice and warm.

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First Snow

This weekend we saw the first snow of the season, and Pippin seemed a little confused by what was happening…

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