Crouching Parrot, Hidden Feather

Although I’m sure Olivia loves to think of herself as a ninja master, in reality she’s nowhere near this sneaky. Of course that doesn’t stop her attempts to be sneaky and steal my glasses on a daily basis.

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Ain’t No Rest For The Wicked

Some pets live lives of quiet luxury. Olivia, on the other hand, never has a quiet day to relax. There’s simply too much to do when you’re a bird!

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Perry Quayle Perry Quayle

Whatever The Weather

The weather has been unpredictable lately, to say the least. Finnegan and Pippin are just trying to make the most of it.

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Le Menu

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again - Olivia is absolutely spoiled rotten. In addition to daily steam baths in the shower and having her own special glass set aside to drink out of (yes, that is actually true) she also gets a daily snack bowl of mixed nuts, seeds, and dried veggies to chow down on. I don’t think she realizes how lucky she is to be waited on hand and foot like this.

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Camp Bow-Wow

Pippin absolutely LOVES spending a day at our local Camp Bow-Wow for doggy day care and play time with all the other dogs in town! When he knows that he’s going, he’ll try to walk himself out to the car on his own leash. And Finnegan enjoys the occasional break from his hyper little brother. It’s something they both need and thoroughly enjoy.

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